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1. So Many Are Asleep

2. I Will Not Settle For Second Place

3. There Is No Changing The Course Of History Now

4. Calamity Will Reach An Unheard Of Plateau

5. Cannot Wait On MY Bride Forever

6. Outside Of My Will, All Men Practice Evil

7. People Believe My Warnings And My Words Are A Joke 8. Anything Can Become An Idol

9. I Am True To My Words

10. There Is No Other By Which You Can Be Saved

11. The Churches Are The Devil’s Playground

12. Evil Is Even Invading The Places That Should Be Safe



Book Excerpt from Chapter 2:



2. I Will Not Settle For Second Place


Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, October 2, 2012


Let US Begin:


Listen closely as I give you Words.


MY children—as you know the world is changing rapidly. There is a flood of darkness moving over the land. I cannot open eyes fast enough—so many are asleep. Soon the evil one will have his way with this world and the people will be caught off guard—completely asleep. They will be taken and apprehended with little trouble by the evil that is taking over.


Only a few now are really watching and seeing the trouble moving over the land. There is only a few who pursue ME so that their lamps are filled and their eyes are opened by the Light, the Light of MY Truth and MY HOLY SPIRIT. HE is the ONE WHO Enlightens. HE is the ONE WHO Fills the oil lamps and brings the Truth into the open. Only MY SPIRIT enables the people to come to ME in fullness holding nothing back from ME, GOD.

Without a complete filling of MY SPIRIT, and a partially filled lamp, you will not see the horrors coming and you will not see the remedy to avoiding the trouble coming your way. It is by MY Lamp Oil—MY Fullness of SPIRIT that you are made ready.


To have a full lamp and a SPIRIT-Filled life you must empty yourself to make room for MY SPIRIT. You must empty your soul of the pleasures and desires for this world. The pursuits of this world will consume your heart, take over your mind, and fill you so that there is no time left for ME, your GOD.


Remember: I am a Jealous GOD—I will not settle for second place in your life! In its place, I bring wholeness, I bring stability, I bring love and contentment. Your feet are placed on the SOLID ROCK. There is no shadow of turning in MY Ways. You do not need to doubt, by faith—your foundation in GOD.


I build your life on a firm foundation: stability of mind. Your heart will not fluctuate or be double-minded. Stay in MY Presence and I will bring you the peace of GOD. You never need to worry again, because MY Love and Security towers over you—protects you from evil and I show you the safe and narrow passage to eternal life and salvation.


Run into MY Waiting Arms—this world is growing dark and controlled by the spirit of the antichrist. I will bring MY bride out to safety. If you focus on ME, I will keep you under MY Wings of protection. I can be relied upon. I can be trusted. There is no reason to fear—only those who know ME not have much to fear and little to look forward to: without ME—MY Blood Covering and Presence of Strength all men would be lost.

I am looking for people who so love their GOD they are willing to walk free of their traditions of men and the commitments life places that distracts from time spent with ME, GOD. You, however, must choose how you spend your time—the free time you are given. Is it to get to know ME better or do you allow other things to come between US?


I cannot take those who do not know ME out to MY Heavenly Home. Think this over carefully. You decide: will you come with ME when I call out MY church or stay for the worst time known to men? This is the hour of discernment. Pray for MY Eyesalve. Pray for MY Truth and a clean heart so that you will be found worthy to stand before ME by MY Pure Blood Covering.


I plead for you before MY FATHER. Let ME save you now before it is too late.


I am the SAVIOR of mankind.  KING of kings, LORD of lords.  “I AM”



1 Thessalonians 5:6:

6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.


Matthew 25:3-4:

3They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.


Deuteronomy 4:24:

24For the LORD thy GOD is a CONSUMING FIRE, even a JEALOUS GOD.


1 John 4:3:

3And every spirit that confesseth not that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is not of GOD: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.


Revelation 3:18:

18I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.


James 4:8: 

8Draw nigh to GOD, and HE will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

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